
Wow, it’s been ages since we’ve posted to this potluck blog and we think it’s long overdue. So come on out to the Red River Compound Saturday Brunch/Lunch Potluck at 1:00 P.M., Saturday May 11.

Bring your favorite vegan-friendly dish to share! Bring a friend! We’ll have some music playing, some tables set up in the back yard, and lots of yummy food to stuff into our faces.

Oh, and we’ll also be holding a plant adoption service (giving baby tomato/pepper plants away to happy homes).

potluck invite2

If you just happened across this blog and have no idea where to go, send us an e-mail (cristenrene@gmail.com) and we’ll give you directions.

OK. Our yard is looking nice and our garden is growing strong.

So…we’re planning for a daytime potluck sometime soon. Stay tuned!

Hey guys. Yes, I know. We’ve been slacking on the potlucks.

But we’ve been cleaning up the yard and revamping the outdoor seating situation so that once the weather is nice…we’ll have a super spacious venue for potlucks! Stay tuned for fun times ahead.


Oh and I forgot to post an update on the vegan Thanksgiving dinner, but here are a few photos. The vegan chicken turned out  pretty cool.

No plans for Thanksgiving weekend? Come to our place!

We’ll be having a Vegan Thanksgiving Feast Thursday, Nov 25th at 3pm!

We’ll be making mashed potatoes and gravy, a few veggie sides, and may even try to replicate the vegan chicken fried steaks since those were such a big hit last time.
So come join us and bring along a veg-friendly treat for all to share and enjoy.

Friday afternoon, we’ll be heading out to Muleshoe Bend to camp and cook leftovers around a campfire. We plan to camp there Friday and Saturday night, but will likely take a day trip on Saturday to go hiking at Enchanted Rock. Everyone is welcome to join us!

*Yes – this is a tofu chicken from the MT Market. Pretty great in a creepy sort of way, huh? Lot’s of vegan fake meat goodies can be found at that place…

Hey fellow vegans and veggies.

Come to the Gathering of the Tribes potluck this Saturday!

This is the first all the vegetarian organizations and establishments in Austin have joined together for a big event.

The potluck will take place at Peace Park this Saturday, 10/2 @ 5pm.

From Brendan, the organizer: “For the first time ever, there’ll be one big event to bring together all the groups, organizations and members of Austin’s vegan, vegetarian, and animal-advocacy community. At Pease Park on Saturday October 2nd we’re having a huge vegan mega-potluck to celebrate the huge year that 2010 has been so far for our community. Our activities and activism, our great food and fun-loving groups have gotten Austin national recognition. Come join in with all your veggie friends! Anyone at all can attend, so please bring friends, especially veg-curious ones! Bring a vegan dish to feed at least 8 people (obviously not everyone will get to taste every little thing at such a huge potluck!), plus your beverages and eating utensils/plates. The other major Austin groups will all be there- Vegetarian Network of Austin, Austin Progressive Vegetarians, Vegan Drinks Austin and Action for Animals Austin. Plus we’re hoping to get as many of our local vegan business owners, restaurateurs, bloggers and “celebrities” to attend as possible.” You can RSVP here: http://veganaustin.org/event.php?id=348 Hope to see you there!

Hey guys.
Some of you already know this, some of you don’t….but Miguel and I are heading off to India pretty soon.
And before we do, we want to have a party!

So I suggest you all mosey on over to our place this Saturday in the evening time.
Saturday, June 26th
Where: 4802 Red River
*If you get lost or have a question, contact Cristen @ 512.731.8544

Also…In case you’re curious, our mission while in India is to teach free workshops about crocheting single use plastic bags into durable, reusable items. It’s our way of promoting recycling and to initiate a dialogue about the world’s over consumption of plastic. In addition to encouraging people to be more environmentally conscious, this skill may even provide a source of income for impoverished communities. And (assuming people in the workshops are interested in making items for profit), we’d like to purchase bags directly from them while we’re there, ship them home, and start reselling them. It’ll be a good trial to see how successful this project can be long term.
You can learn more about the project here: http://bagsbegone.com/projects

Also, Miguel and I recently posted our project on Kickstarter (which is basically a fundraising platform for creative projects and artistic endeavors) and we made a very primitive, but fun video explaining our idea. You can check it out here and you can view my recent update here.

Hope to see you folks on Saturday!


Hello friends!

Have a bunch of old stuff you don’t need anymore? Want to recycle by swapping it for some stuff that’s not new but new to you? How about munching on delicious junk food while sorting through all the junk (um, I mean treasures)…then having a dance party once the stuff swapping is all over?

It’s time for a Spring Junkathon Potluck Party!
Saturday, May 15th
4802 Red River St.
*The eating and stuff swapping will happen around 3pm. But if you can’t make it out that early, feel free to come by whenever you can. We’ll likely be dancing and hanging out in the yard.

Some things to mention:

*To keep consistent with the junkathon, this potluck’s theme is junk food (vegan junk food, of course)! Finger foods would be appreciated, so we don’t have to deal with dishes.

*Don’t have any junk you want to get rid of? No problem. You don’t have to bring anything to take stuff from the swap. Feel free to bring as much or as little as you want. And feel free to take as much or as little as you want.

*Have lots of junk, but aren’t sure what to bring? Here are some ideas: clothing, accessories, kitchenware, appliances, artwork, art supplies, gardening tools, building materials, old cell phones, plants, books, etc. Basically if it’s something you don’t use anymore but it seems like something someone else might appreciate…bring it! Any items left over after the party will be donated to SafePlace, an Austin shelter for abused women and children.

Hope to see you all there!

You know that ugly Christmas sweater you have tucked away in a drawer somewhere? Well it’s time to pull it out cause we’re having a party!! This potluck will take place this Sunday (December 20).  And in the hopes that more of you will be able to make it, we’ll be starting a little earlier than usual – at 4pm.

For you folks who don’t currently own ugly Christmas garb, you can always make you’re own. We’ll try to supply some pom poms and puff paint just in case you feel like getting creative.

And if you think you’ll be attending multiple occasions like this, maybe you want to invest in a handmade sweater from this site: http://www.myuglychristmassweater.com. The Obama Christmas Sweater is quite cool.

Oh – and in addition to delicious food to stuff your face with, expect there to be some dancing involved!

Anyway, we hope to see you all there!